Tuesday, January 30, 2018

StangGang Spotlight: Margo Greenbaum

I’ve known this girl since about sixth grade, and I am proud to announce she was nominated for a stanggang spotlight. Margo Greenbaum is a very active member of the Marlboro High School community. She shows her commitment and dedication through activities she participates in, which include running StangGang Spirit, being a part of We the People, Peer Leadership, Peer Mentorship, and Student Government. The main reason why Margo was nominated to be this week’s StangGang Student Spotlight was because she runs the social media account for the students.

Margo was asked, “Why was this activity something that interested you?” Margo’s answer to this was, “I never knew who ran the account, but I always wanted to know who did and to run the account. I also liked the idea of leading the school through social media.” It all started when she was surprised that I created the account and was eager to help when I asked her to run the account with me. It was at last year's graduation that I asked her to help me which is when our journey began to better the lives for the students of Marlboro High School and to let everyone know what is going on in the school community! Then, Margo was asked, “If you had to persuade someone to perform/participate in in your activity, what would you say to do so?” Margo answered with, “I would never persuade someone to do this. For StangGang to be successful it must be led by people who step up to the plate to do this job! But, if someone were to ask why do I love what I do, I would say because it has given me the opportunity to spread my wings. If someone wants to be a leader of the school, but really doesn’t like public speaking, it is a great job because it is all online. But, at the same time it teaches you how to communicate with your peers and adults in ways you usually wouldn’t have the opportunity to. If you want to grow as a person and a leader, StangGang will let you do exactly that. But it’s not for everyone, if you really don’t love the school or want to help the school, then don’t do it.” Margo was asked, “What were your expectations by being part of this activity?” Margo answered, “That I would lead the school and know what is going on in the school and district.” This activity has affected Margo’s daily routine in many ways! It has made her more aware of what she is doing and how she acts. With the reputation she has made through StangGang she has to make sure that she is doing the right thing and not contradicting anything she says online. Margo also goes over her data limit every month because the school has not so great WiFi and she needs to go on Twitter and keep up with what’s going on and to also post things throughout the day too. Margo is also asked all the time what is going on in the school community, so she also must remember events and things that are going on because she is asked so frequently. Margo is so thankful for what StangGang has done for her, it has made her a better person and leader! 

Anyone who meets Margo is lucky! Margo is a great leader, who hopes to one day pursue a career in education. Margo is a friendly, outgoing girl who we know will one day grow up to be a successful teacher, with students who love her, as much as we do! Margo says that many of her teachers are the reason she loves this school and why she wants to teach high school. Many of them joke around with her by saying they can't wait for her to have a student like her. For now she may be looked at a side kick to her favorite person and mentor, Mrs. Bruno, but I know she will one day earn the title of a super hero, too. She will not just rock the job of being a teacher, but will succeed as an administrator.  I would like to say that Margo has been a true friend to me. From being my homecoming escort to running StangGang Spirit with me she has been by my side through it all. I have to say, Homecoming was only great because she helped me out with many things, such as helping me have the best homecoming breakfast setup or by being my escort and walking out with me for the dance and game. That will be an experience that I will never forget, for sure! Also, I have to say I’m going to miss running StangGang Spirit or seeing her everyday next year, as we are graduating in less than 5 months. Margo should be a inspiration to anyone who wants to succeed in life and go on to achieve bigger and better things! To a one of a kind person who has helped out the Class of 2018 over the past 3-4 years in raising money for fundraisers/coming up with ideas for fundraisers, someone who has a lot of school spirit, and someone is classified as a “Teacher’s Pet” we love you Margo and will miss you next school year! 

Now a few words from some of Margo’s favorite people:

Ms. Bruno: Margo’s contributions to MHS have been numerous yet mostly behind the scenes.  She promotes the Mustang Community (@StangGang Twitter) because she is proud of it and wants others to share in her enthusiasm.  In her four years at MHS, she has not always gotten things to go ‘her way’ but she has learned from it.  This is what we as educators hope for our students.  “Fail forward” and grow from your trials and tribulations. 

Señora Saraceni & Señora Sebastiani: Combined we have known Margo for her entire high school career. We can both attest that she has grown into a fine young lady. Margo is a kind hearted young woman with sometimes a rough exterior. Once you break through the toughness you can see a gentile soul inside waiting to come out. She Is always willing to help those in need either academically or personally. We are proud to have been her teachers and seen and guided her through her journey.
We cannot think of anyone more deserving of this award. We wish her luck in the future.

Mr. Uplinger: Margo is very deserving.  Margo has been so impressive to me this year.  She came into We the People with great anxiety and fear that she would not measure up to other students in class.  Yet, as we competed last week in We the People State Competition, Margo was one of my top students and an essential member of a Unit I team that finished second in the state of New Jersey.  Margo came for extra help, over and over; selflessly encouraged her classmates;  and consistently challenged herself to take on uncomfortable tasks.  Her growth as a person has been inspiring.  She has become a leader who is as interested in her neighbors success as her own.  I could not be more proud of her.   

Written by: James Cernivani (Grade 12)

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