Monday, January 1, 2018

StangGang Spotlight: Sarah Esposito

You probably see this girl laughing in the halls or see her cheering on fellow mustangs at sporting events. Sarah Esposito is a fun, outgoing, senior in our school. As I type this she is at practice with her team working on bettering themselves for competition. Sarah is a senior who has been cheering for the past 4 years and has loved every moment of it . 

We got to speak to her and she told us why she loves cheerleading so much. 

We asked what she wanted and thought she would get out of this sport. She told us that she always liked cheer, but loved the idea of cheering for the football and basketball team. She also wanted to make friendships and bonds throughout her time on the team. 

Whenever I see Sarah she is most likely with another cheerleader, not just a fellow senior, but anyone of her teammates. She also tells us what she got out of cheerleading... because she practice past 4:30 and has practice and meets on the weekend, time management has become a skill she learned, and is mastering. Something we all know we could get better at! 

Our final and most interesting question was, “If you had to persuade someone to perform/participate in your activity, what would you say to do so? Ms. Esposito’s exact answer was, “In cheerleading, everyone performs and competes together as a team, unlike other sports where members compete individually. The teamwork involved in this sport makes close bonds with people you never thought you would meet, and teaches you how to work well with others towards a common goal.” This made me question other teams, if they’re considered a team then shouldn’t they be working as one? Working United, with the common goal to win? Now that I take the time to think of it I must agree with Sarah. When it comes to cheerleading if you do not work together the team will literally and rhetorically fall apart. Cheerleading does not just teach you rhymes, but how to rely on others and how to gain your teammates trust. Trust, something all teams need for them to succeed. 

Cheerleading is not always looked at a sport by some, but it should be. Whenever I stay after school and pass the cafeteria they are never standing still. Either they are defying gravity with their backflips or are lifting more than most can when they are throwing their teammates in the air. 

You may be wondering why I am writing about cheerleading and specifically speaking about Sarah. Sarah Esposito was nominated for Stang Gang Spotlight. Meaning that someone agreed with us that she is outstanding on and off the mat who deserved to be in the Spotlight and for her story to be told. 

Sarah Esposito
Credited to Lors Photography

If you know anyone else who you feel is deserving to be in the “spotlight” please contact us. 

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