Sunday, February 11, 2018

StangGang Spotlight: Ashley Zilenziger

Though at 8th grade orientation was the first time I had a real conversation with this person, I knew of her since freshman year. Ashley Zilenziger is well rounded person who is very worthy of this spotlight. If she’s not hitting the books getting ready for DECA she’s on the tennis court swinging away. But, most recently she became president of the grade, giving her the honor of leading over 2,000 people in the pledge every day. She stepped into the ring of student council with the soul purpose of giving back. She says that senior year has given her the perfect opportunity to give back to her fellow classmates that have given so much to her these past 3 years. She also says that she knew this position would make her a role model to underclassman. At 8th grade orientation she spoke of all of the amazing things she’s done and explained how there are so many opportunities for the incoming class. If you don’t see Ashley giving speeches you will see her selling food in the morning. Selling food in the morning has been the class of 2018’s biggest fundraiser. She continually picks up the bagels in the early morning so her peers can enjoy some food while also helping her grade. She says she now wakes up at 6 in the morning to get to school so early every day. She was asked what she has gained from being part of student council and she said time management. Having so many different roles in the school can be hard when there’s only a certain amount of hours in the day. She’s learned how to get what she needs done in the time she’s given because of how involved she is in. She recently was voted by fellow seniors as “prettiest”. Though she dresses to impress every day, her big heart and dedication to everything she does is really what makes her so pretty. I look forward to hearing her speech at graduation and how she’ll be a leader in the next chapter of her life, too. 

Margo Greenbaum 

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