Wednesday, January 3, 2018

StangGang Spotlight: Alanna Flores

Our second StangGang Spotlight nominee is Alanna Flores! Alanna was nominated mostly for her involvement in student government. Alanna is currently a senior at Marlboro High School and has showed on multiple accounts #mustangpride through her three-four years here at Marlboro High School. Alanna is involved in Student Government, Marlboro High School's Business Learning Center Program, JSA, DECA, and Theater Society.

To start off, has been given many honors and accomplishments in Student Government! Alanna joined student government her freshmen year of high school. Reasons why she joined student government included wanting to help out her grade, taking part in students' experiences, and to truly make a lasting impact on Marlboro High School. Alanna felt as part of the Class of 2018 it was her responsibility to shape our school into a second home we could be proud of, a place she not only had to spend time, but actually wanted to. Alanna was previously the freshmen, sophomore, and junior class president for the Class of 2018. Alanna is now serving as the Student Council president of the school. Alanna works to enhance each students experience by running significant fundraising efforts, planning events with faculty, and bolstering school spirit. What Alanna has learned from this activity is leadership. Leading others has become a strong passion of hers. It taught her that to be a leader one must also learn to listen. Alanna says learning to compromise and understand the opinions of others is critical, perhaps even the most important component of the leadership process.

All in all, Alanna feels truly honored to represent Marlboro High School as the Student Council president and to have represented the Class of 2018 for the three years she served as class president at Marlboro High School. We know Alanna will have a bright and successful future ahead of her! We wish her the best of luck with life after high school!

Alanna Flores
Credited to Lors Photography

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