Monday, January 29, 2018

Teacher Stanggang Spotlight: Ms. Dee

After speaking with this teacher, the words kind hearted, intelligent, and humorous come to mind. Though I only spoke to Ms. Dee for about 20 minutes she made me feel as I was experiencing the events she spoke about. Well rounded, is what Ms. Dee is. From a young age she used determination to make her be the best in whatever she did. Her love for horses and her competitiveness is what made her a pro rider and could have won her some real medals. Sadly, she broke her elbow and was done riding horses for a while and was also done playing softball. If she wasn’t on a horse she was on the mound learning how to throw a windmill, by the infamous coach and family friend, Mrs. Bruno. So it was not just a heart ache for “coach” bruno when her super star got hurt, but also when she decided to not play softball. Like I said, she is filled with determination. One day she picked up a lacrosse stick and to this day never let go. With lacrosse she became a star player for Howell High School and got a full ride to Georgian Court University. 3 years later and she is now coaching the freshman girls lacrosse team. 
It was not just sports that she took a natural liking to, but also teaching. Though she once aspired to be a Vet, she was later on inspired by 2 of her professors. She spoke highly of Dr. Gallagher, a mentor and friend she still keeps in touch with 6 years later. She says it’s because of her that she realized that she was meant to be in the classroom. If anything she was destined to be because both of her parents work in education. She says her parents are what inspired her the most. She uses a skill called “backward design” to teach her students. Saying that the kids learn more and understand the topic more clearly this way. It’s an approach that not many teachers used to use, but now is becoming popular. Ms. Dee is a pro at it and is excited to help other teachers learn this teaching style. A genius she is. I could barely pass Bio, while she is qualified to teach environmental, biology, and zoology. Saying that zoology is a favorite of hers- it is very interesting to see what they dissect on twitter! She is only 2 years into teaching at Marlboro and has loved every moment of it . It is also clear that her students love being in her class as I see them coming in for extra help and just wanting to talk to her for fun. Ms. Dee says that she loves the people she works with, but loves the administration team most.  Saying that they have open doors and are open minded always willing to help. Jokingly saying that if they were to leave she would leave. Ms. Dee is very worthy of teacher of the month and I am excited to see her succeed even more as time goes by.

Margo Greenbaum

Ms. Catherine Dee
Credited to Lors Photography

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