Saturday, January 6, 2018

First half is over, what will the second half bring?!

We left school wearing ugly sweaters so excited to not have put on an alarm, but instead sleep in. But while I was walking the halls that morning I felt like I was walking down memory lane. 

Kids of all grades were decorating doors, showing off their talent. It was extraordinary to see what wood shop kids to artistic kids made with such little time. Walking down the art wing I felt like I was in a different world as I passed each door. A week before “iron chef” took place and was a hit. The laughs and smiles that were captured in the pictures just show how big of a hit the event was and the food looked pretty good, too.  While sitting in class waiting for my classmates to arrive boys with button downs and suit pants sat down, reminding me that basketball season has officially started. Going to the games and seeing the “Stang gang” dressed up and cheering on the team with the dance team was awesome. It’s amazing how many people cheer on one of our teams. While getting my steps in I passed peers bulletin board that had the names of everyone donated money so we could give 3 families the Christmas they deserved. It was an honor to have been part of the reason children got toys and that their parents weren’t going to have to worry if they had enough food for a while. During this time CONNECT4CANCER was collecting toys as well and the amount of toys they got literally fills up a whole room. On my walk I also saw Ralph, a senior who is in the BLC program. Him and his team just won a challenge, bringing more trophies back to school. As everyone knows BOTC was a success and so much fun to be at! It’s one of the only times you get to be with so many kids in your school and is the only time I was not yelled at for screaming... I then saw Lizzy Friedman, an  old friend, and soon to be famous actress. During the play “Don’t dress for dinner” I was taken back by the amazing actors our school has and how hard working the crew is. The whole time I was laughing and falling off my seat. I then looked at my phone to see a text from my mom and I thought of parent teacher conferences. I don’t just like going to help the parents, but the work out I get from running around getting parents to the right class is a plus. It feels great when they compliment me and are so thankful just because I got them from one class to another. During this time the football team was winding down after a great season. I passed Helff, the captain of the team, who was sworn into the Marines. It was during football season that we had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Bravermann, the principal at Howell, and someone who loves what our account is all about. I checked my watch and it was already 8:15 but kept on walking. I passed James and mrs. Bruno in the matter of minutes reminding me Homecoming. Reminding me of the joy I had when James won and how excited she was for the both of us. I then quickly stopped by Mr. uplinger’s room to give him my 3rd and final individual paragraph. I thought about how my first debate went in September and was so proud to think about how much I’ve grown since then. I then saw classmate, football, and basketball star Justin Marcus who was at the best football game of the season, but on the side lines. September 28, 2017 the mustangs went into over time against our rival, Colts neck. Within seconds the score went from being tied to MARLBORO IN THE LEAD, making the MUSTANGS WIN! Our amazing band starts playing and everyone is running onto that field after they won. It taught everybody a lesson, things can change in a matter of seconds and that the football team has always been good, but is now great! The bell was about to ring and I realized I didn’t do my math homework. Reminding me of the first day of my senior year hearing him say that homework is important. But it looked like I was saying oh well as the bell was ringing. As I walked to class, the very tall man was standing there with Mickey Mouse on his sweater. It feels like just yesterday was 8th grade orientation and Dr. Bleakley was on the stage introducing himself and telling everyone how happy he is that the school is finally full with students...

I yet again say that Mr. Liptzin was right. How fast high school goes is literally in the blink of an eye. I now sit here and question how did the first half of this school year already pass by, and how can I make the second half even better?

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