Saturday, September 30, 2017

School Spirit? What’s That?

On a daily basis someone brings up the topic of school spirit or I over hear people talking about it. As well, I am asked all the time how the school can gain more school spirit. That question is very hard to give a definitive answer because it’s not just one thing that will create it. Students have tried to bring it back with the “Stang Gang”, student council has tried bringing it back by making homecoming a bigger event,  and administration has designated fridays as blue and gold day.

As someone who likes the school and tries to bring school spirit I am looked at as one of the odd ones. I know, crazy, for a student to be proud to go to their high school!! Through the conversations I hear and take part in the biggest problem we as a school have is our mind set. Most students think of the football team or sports in general when they think of school spirit. But, because our teams are not multiple state champions, they are looked down upon. But, quick shout out to the team for #beatingtheden ! It was amazing to see the score board go from 0 to 21 so quickly! It sounds corny, but when your on the field or the court, hearing the crowds cheer for you makes you automatically want to do better. When I go to a game most of the people there are parents of a student who has to be there, not friends or teachers of the actual players. If games had even 1/10 of the turn out BOTC it would make the players do better and would start giving students the “high school dream” a reality. Going to a basketball or soccer or football game, being surrounded by fellow classmates in different grades all together for the same purpose. To cheer on fellow mustangs. To all be screaming and jumping up and down at the same time. There’s a chance that the our team might lose, but at BOTC that does not stop all the lower classman from cheering on their teams, what’s the difference? There isn’t one. Everyone Thinking with a positive attitude, which is the right attitude.

All 6 schools in the FRHSD are amazing and special in their own way. It’s time to stop comparing Marlboro to Howell or Marlboro to Township. Marlboro is just as amazing and it’s time for everyone to get that through their heads. Which school in the district got 22 nominees and 8 basie awards?? Marlboro!! Which school has a gymnastic team that defies gravity?? Marlboro!! Which school is filled with the best and greatest teachers and administrators and guidance department of all time?? Marlboro!! Which school has something for each and every student to be proud of?? Marlboro... So, sports do not have to be the only reason that you are proud of your school and have school spirit. If it’s from being in the BLC program or being part of marching band there is something to be proud of. The school wouldn’t be looked up to with such high standards if it wasn’t for each student who is walking the halls of the school every day. So, the next time you hear “oh shucks the _____ team lost by 15 points” say “but, did you hear about how well we did in _____”.  Teachers, you should as well be proud of the place you work at, the mustang apparel is for sure more comfortable than the outfits some of you wear. Why not take full advantage of Friday’s by wearing comfortable clothes AND being a role mode for your students by wearing mustang apparel. Your students are something to be proud of, so show them that by wearing blue and gold!!

Your spending 4 years in this school, what you get out of it, is what you put in it. One of our favorite people, Ghandi, once said, “be the change you wish to see..” Don’t wait for someone else to start wearing mustang apparel. Students,Be that person who wears that blue and gold on Friday’s and one Friday at a time, I promise, more people will start wearing it with you, or at least I’ll be wearing it with you so you will not be alone!

Blog Post by: Margo Greenbaum (Grade 12)

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