Monday, September 18, 2017

Mustang Motivation

Right before school starts everyone is thinking about how that it's going to be their best year yet. That they're going to strive and accomplish all their goals. If it's from getting honor roll or just getting a B in a hard class, students are setting goals. Not all academic goals- some hope to make a team or just become a better person. But, the second school actually starts all your goals seem to become dreams, when you go to every class and they give you more homework and when you don't understand a thing the teacher is teaching and there has only been a week and a half of school. While you're excited to see your friends and some of your teachers, the thought of how you'll do well and get through this year is a thought that is going through your mind. Do not worry, I PROMISE YOU WILL MAKE IT. Yes, it is hard and yes, it will get harder, but you will be okay.
As someone who usually looks at the glass half empty, I look at this glass half full. The nights that are filled with studying and possibly getting upset will all be worth it. In 10 years what you were wearing or who was the coolest in high school will not matter, but the grades you had will, and how hard you worked will. High school is where you can still make mistakes and learn from them. Use this time to perfect yourself for when you are in the real world. Work on time management, work on figuring out what's more important- the game or studying? TV or working on a group project? Also remember that the school is filled with hundreds of people who are there for you and are willing to help. From a gym teacher to your guidance counselor, there is someone to help. Teachers are willing to help the students who put forth the effort. Show them that you care, show them that you want to do well.
Most importantly, don't forget that your health and happiness is key to doing well in school. You need to sleep! Staying up till 1 every night is horrible- go to sleep early and wake up an hour earlier than usual. Put the pencil down and pick up a fork- you can not retain any information if you do not eat. And yes, of course hang out with friends and have fun! 9 out of the 12 months will be a misery if you do not learn to balance your time wisely.
We hope this helps you get through the rest of the year, or at least the month! To end, I would like you to remember that working hard and keeping your priorities straight are essential for those dreams of yours to become goals, and those goals to become accomplishments. The glass is half full!! And with every passing day it's getting a drop more full...

Blog Post by: Margo Greenbaum(Grade 12)

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