Sunday, September 3, 2017

New Teacher Welcome Letter for the 2017-18 School Year

I was asked to a write a welcome letter to the new teachers and while I was thinking about what I was going to write, I realized that I also need to thank these teachers. As there are about 36 hours until the most important day of their careers, I would like to welcome them not only to Marlboro High School, but to the Stang Gang. Welcome to a building that you now call school, but in the future you will call your second home. Know that as a whole, as a community, and as a school we come together when we are need of celebration or when someone is in need of help. All for one, and one for all.
Being a teacher is one of the most rewarding careers a person can go into. Especially a high school teacher. Just one teacher could be the reason that a student decides to further their education & go to college. And to be the reason a person doesn't give up and realizes their true greatness is the best feeling and why many people become teachers. So I thank all nine of you (and the rest of the staff) for one day being that teacher or guidance counselor. I also thank you on behalf of each and every student you will have for letting us be us. As teenagers we have our moments and can for sure be rude and inconsiderate, and not all of them will apologize for it, so I'll do it for them. Don't take it personally! But, an even bigger thanks for accepting each and every one of us, for not judging us and for letting us open up to you and becoming someone we want to see everyday. Thanks for asking us how we are, for having real conversations with us, and possibly being the teacher who turns a frown upside down. Thanks for not getting angry when we don't understand something even after you've explained it 3 times, thanks for always having extra help, and most importantly thanks for not giving up on us. I personally remember never understanding a thing in algebra 2, but because my math teacher(s) willingly helped me and cheered me on, I aced tons of tests! Don't just be their teacher, become their motivator, their helper, and hopefully a mentor, too. As corny as it may seem, teachers are heroes without capes. The amount of times I've seen kids crying to teachers or just venting to teachers is amazing. To see students want to go talk to their teachers for personal advice and help shows how incredible all of the teachers are at mhs. I too have (literally) ran to my mentor when I was upset and knew that person was ready to listen to me and help me. But, more importantly, I love running to them when something good happens because I know that person will be happy for me, will celebrate with me, and even give me some candy which is a plus. I wish I could run into a class, but sadly I have to be given permission to go in by her secretary (stay awesome mrs. Campanero). As a senior I can see that students respect the teachers who make learning fun, the teachers who want to be at school, and the ones who respect their students, too.
Sydney Hook once said, "Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system." So, remember the person that inspired you to become a teacher and use that inspiration to create students who want to learn and who want to lead. I wish you luck for your first day of school and every day after that!

Blog Post by: Margo Greenbaum(Grade 12)

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