Friday, October 6, 2017


As I walked out of the school after having one of my favorite people in the building tutor me in math, I remembered that it is #worldteacherday! Even though we should be showing our appreciation to teachers every day that does not happen. But, on my way home thinking about how grateful I am for this person for not just always helping me with math, but for always making me laugh.  It puts a smile to my face to think about the relationships I have created with a handful of adults at Marlboro, which I hope will last a lifetime. If it’s from having someone who helped me create medal mustang key chains to the person who finishes my sentence with “Girl Scout!” I am grateful. And to all the teachers who have  turned a frown upside down and put up with me, thank you. 

It’s time that I thank teachers not just at Marlboro, but all around the world, for everything they do and tell them why we appreciate them. To the teachers who don’t just do their jobs, but enjoy doing it, we thank you. The teachers who are - or at least act it- happy to be at school and make learning fun, we thank you. When a teacher goes the extra mile to make class fun, they are not just getting their students to like them. They are getting their students to realize that it is fun to learn, but more importantly they are getting their students to know the material. If it’s from playing kahoot to just throwing a ball around, we thank you. To the teachers who decorate their rooms, we thank you. It may be a small thing in some people’s eyes, but walking into a room with blank walls and walking into a room with colorful pictures and sayings sets a tone for the class. My English teacher puts up about 50 quotes that his students printed out. The quotes are inspiring and there is at least one quote that every person relates to. My freshman math teacher had math terms all around the room bordered by colorful paper, it brought a vibrant feeling to the class. We thank those teachers for making our learning environment better.

Now, to those teachers who truly are heroes without capes...  To the handful I gave a shout out to before, you are super heroes in my mind. But, right now I am taking to the time to thank ALL of the super heroes in my life and every other student’s life all around the world. We thank you for being that teacher who doesn’t just ask us how our day is, but knows when something is off, and will take their time to listen to us. We thank you for being the teacher who opens up to us. Reminding us that they’ve been in our position and have a life outside of school. We thank you for not just teaching us math or science, but teaching us life lessons through personal experience and advice. As teens we feel like we’re the only ones who are going through a “crisis”, it is good to know that teachers of all different ages have had similar experiences. We thank you for letting us cry to you. For building us up  when we are down , for being that amigo that just knows what to say. We thank you for accepting us when we’re in a bad mood and a great mood and everything in between. 

Short story for those who have kept up with our blog! So, I started crying in class over my first debate going horrifically wrong & my go to person wasn’t in school!! Which was my biggest fear, crying in school and not having anyone to (literally) run to. But, because they weren’t there I was fortunate enough to gain someone I now call a role model and someone I can count on. It’s very likely you saw the 2 of us walking around last Friday!! So, even though I cried I gained a stronger bond with someone, and then got to talk to my favorite person and mentor the next day they were in which was an even bigger plus!! Maybe I should cry more often? Both of those people are truly super heroes without capes...

The video below shows some of the many super hero teachers all around the United States:

We thank all teachers for everything they do for us and we appreciate the ones who are heroes without capes. 

“To inspire meaningful change, you must make a connection to the heart before you can make a connection to the mind.”- anonymous

Blog Post by: Margo Greenbaum(Grade 12)

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