Wednesday, September 6, 2017

First Day of the 2017-18 School Year/ Tips for Current/New Students

The First Day of School:

The First Day of school was a major success for the stang gang at Marlboro High School!! Teachers were eager & excited to learn about their new students, while students were smiling ear to ear to see their friends & Were happy with their schedules! Mr. Liptzin was in the student parking lot helping students in the rain while directing parents on where to go, truly the man! While everyone walked Into the building they were welcomed by Mrs. Andreacci and the Newest Stang leader, our principal Dr. Bleakley,And of course, mrs. Bruno helping everyone get to their classes! Our administration team is quite amazing, how did we get so lucky!?

What  may have seemed like just any ordinary day at Marlboro High School was not. Today new students finally entereda family known as the StangGang! This family may not seem like any family, because at Marlboro High School and in the #StangGang, we celebrate and reminisce our high school experiences as a whole! As we entered our first day of The Year, everyone started going through their schedule, getting to their class before the late bell, 8:25am, and to started meeting their teachers for the 2017-2018 School Year!! The First Day of School is an important day filled with such opportunity, even though there are still so many days to go the first day is when you make your first impression and meet new friends. Whether it’s someone in your grade, or not, you should really try to make friends with people from different grade levels, and branch out. Making friends from different grade levels is great because your meeting new people with different interests, but even better people with the same interest so you could become friends. That is what the StangGang does! We help make friends with other people who may not be in our grade. We also help others out who are being treated indifferently or who may not feel like they have a second home at Marlboro High School. We try to make their first day/school year, unforgettable at Marlboro High School, even though they are going through a hard time and trying to figure out who they are/can be at Marlboro High School. These are my three tips to help make your 1-4 years here at Marlboro High School the best!! My Tip #1 for all students is to make new friends, whether from different grade levels or your grade, try to interact with new people on your first day of school or throughout the school year! Tip #2 for all students is to come to sporting events, events held by the school such as Battle of the Classes, the Homecoming Dance/Game, etc.. Also go to Junior Prom/Senior Prom/Senior Week festivities, you will never get this opportunity again. Make the most of your high school experience. I’m a senior now, and I know I wish I could have gone to Battle of the Classes, or the Homecoming Dance/Game Freshmen Year of High School. But now I go to all these events. Whether it’s the Homecoming Dance/Game, or Battle of the Classes, or Junior Prom I try to make the most of my Marlboro High School experience. Lastly, Tip #3 for all students, is to join clubs/ tryout for sports teams. For example, I’ve joined Class of 2018 Council freshmen year of high school. Then sophomore year I joined a couple more including Ashley-Lauren Foundation(a Pediatric Cancer Club) and Marlboro Stangs for Multiple Sclerosis. Then Junior Year, I got even more involved and joined Student Council Executive Board  and helped setup for the Homecoming Dance in October of 2016 and I also joined that same year MHS Student-Administrative Council, to help improve the school with administration and school spirit, and Yearbook Club, to work on the Yearbook!  You may only have a limited amount of time to do this, whether your a new student/freshmen, sophomore, junior, or senior. Try to get involved and join a club or tryout for a sport. Before you know it, you will be eventually walking down the aisle at graduation, leaving Marlboro High School, and your future at college or for a long-term/short-term job will be waiting for you! All in all, the first day of school was great! Just follow these three tips for your 1-4 years here at Marlboro High School! High school is an experience that you will never want to forget. Try these 3 tips and you are sure to have a great high school experience! Let’s make this the #BestYearEver ! 💙💛🐎 #StangGangSpirit #GetInvolved #MakeNewFriends #MustangsUnited

Blog post by: James Cernivani & Margo Greenbaum (Grade 12)

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