Saturday, September 30, 2017

School Spirit? What’s That?

On a daily basis someone brings up the topic of school spirit or I over hear people talking about it. As well, I am asked all the time how the school can gain more school spirit. That question is very hard to give a definitive answer because it’s not just one thing that will create it. Students have tried to bring it back with the “Stang Gang”, student council has tried bringing it back by making homecoming a bigger event,  and administration has designated fridays as blue and gold day.

As someone who likes the school and tries to bring school spirit I am looked at as one of the odd ones. I know, crazy, for a student to be proud to go to their high school!! Through the conversations I hear and take part in the biggest problem we as a school have is our mind set. Most students think of the football team or sports in general when they think of school spirit. But, because our teams are not multiple state champions, they are looked down upon. But, quick shout out to the team for #beatingtheden ! It was amazing to see the score board go from 0 to 21 so quickly! It sounds corny, but when your on the field or the court, hearing the crowds cheer for you makes you automatically want to do better. When I go to a game most of the people there are parents of a student who has to be there, not friends or teachers of the actual players. If games had even 1/10 of the turn out BOTC it would make the players do better and would start giving students the “high school dream” a reality. Going to a basketball or soccer or football game, being surrounded by fellow classmates in different grades all together for the same purpose. To cheer on fellow mustangs. To all be screaming and jumping up and down at the same time. There’s a chance that the our team might lose, but at BOTC that does not stop all the lower classman from cheering on their teams, what’s the difference? There isn’t one. Everyone Thinking with a positive attitude, which is the right attitude.

All 6 schools in the FRHSD are amazing and special in their own way. It’s time to stop comparing Marlboro to Howell or Marlboro to Township. Marlboro is just as amazing and it’s time for everyone to get that through their heads. Which school in the district got 22 nominees and 8 basie awards?? Marlboro!! Which school has a gymnastic team that defies gravity?? Marlboro!! Which school is filled with the best and greatest teachers and administrators and guidance department of all time?? Marlboro!! Which school has something for each and every student to be proud of?? Marlboro... So, sports do not have to be the only reason that you are proud of your school and have school spirit. If it’s from being in the BLC program or being part of marching band there is something to be proud of. The school wouldn’t be looked up to with such high standards if it wasn’t for each student who is walking the halls of the school every day. So, the next time you hear “oh shucks the _____ team lost by 15 points” say “but, did you hear about how well we did in _____”.  Teachers, you should as well be proud of the place you work at, the mustang apparel is for sure more comfortable than the outfits some of you wear. Why not take full advantage of Friday’s by wearing comfortable clothes AND being a role mode for your students by wearing mustang apparel. Your students are something to be proud of, so show them that by wearing blue and gold!!

Your spending 4 years in this school, what you get out of it, is what you put in it. One of our favorite people, Ghandi, once said, “be the change you wish to see..” Don’t wait for someone else to start wearing mustang apparel. Students,Be that person who wears that blue and gold on Friday’s and one Friday at a time, I promise, more people will start wearing it with you, or at least I’ll be wearing it with you so you will not be alone!

Blog Post by: Margo Greenbaum (Grade 12)

Monday, September 18, 2017

Mustang Motivation

Right before school starts everyone is thinking about how that it's going to be their best year yet. That they're going to strive and accomplish all their goals. If it's from getting honor roll or just getting a B in a hard class, students are setting goals. Not all academic goals- some hope to make a team or just become a better person. But, the second school actually starts all your goals seem to become dreams, when you go to every class and they give you more homework and when you don't understand a thing the teacher is teaching and there has only been a week and a half of school. While you're excited to see your friends and some of your teachers, the thought of how you'll do well and get through this year is a thought that is going through your mind. Do not worry, I PROMISE YOU WILL MAKE IT. Yes, it is hard and yes, it will get harder, but you will be okay.
As someone who usually looks at the glass half empty, I look at this glass half full. The nights that are filled with studying and possibly getting upset will all be worth it. In 10 years what you were wearing or who was the coolest in high school will not matter, but the grades you had will, and how hard you worked will. High school is where you can still make mistakes and learn from them. Use this time to perfect yourself for when you are in the real world. Work on time management, work on figuring out what's more important- the game or studying? TV or working on a group project? Also remember that the school is filled with hundreds of people who are there for you and are willing to help. From a gym teacher to your guidance counselor, there is someone to help. Teachers are willing to help the students who put forth the effort. Show them that you care, show them that you want to do well.
Most importantly, don't forget that your health and happiness is key to doing well in school. You need to sleep! Staying up till 1 every night is horrible- go to sleep early and wake up an hour earlier than usual. Put the pencil down and pick up a fork- you can not retain any information if you do not eat. And yes, of course hang out with friends and have fun! 9 out of the 12 months will be a misery if you do not learn to balance your time wisely.
We hope this helps you get through the rest of the year, or at least the month! To end, I would like you to remember that working hard and keeping your priorities straight are essential for those dreams of yours to become goals, and those goals to become accomplishments. The glass is half full!! And with every passing day it's getting a drop more full...

Blog Post by: Margo Greenbaum(Grade 12)

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

First Day of the 2017-18 School Year/ Tips for Current/New Students

The First Day of School:

The First Day of school was a major success for the stang gang at Marlboro High School!! Teachers were eager & excited to learn about their new students, while students were smiling ear to ear to see their friends & Were happy with their schedules! Mr. Liptzin was in the student parking lot helping students in the rain while directing parents on where to go, truly the man! While everyone walked Into the building they were welcomed by Mrs. Andreacci and the Newest Stang leader, our principal Dr. Bleakley,And of course, mrs. Bruno helping everyone get to their classes! Our administration team is quite amazing, how did we get so lucky!?

What  may have seemed like just any ordinary day at Marlboro High School was not. Today new students finally entereda family known as the StangGang! This family may not seem like any family, because at Marlboro High School and in the #StangGang, we celebrate and reminisce our high school experiences as a whole! As we entered our first day of The Year, everyone started going through their schedule, getting to their class before the late bell, 8:25am, and to started meeting their teachers for the 2017-2018 School Year!! The First Day of School is an important day filled with such opportunity, even though there are still so many days to go the first day is when you make your first impression and meet new friends. Whether it’s someone in your grade, or not, you should really try to make friends with people from different grade levels, and branch out. Making friends from different grade levels is great because your meeting new people with different interests, but even better people with the same interest so you could become friends. That is what the StangGang does! We help make friends with other people who may not be in our grade. We also help others out who are being treated indifferently or who may not feel like they have a second home at Marlboro High School. We try to make their first day/school year, unforgettable at Marlboro High School, even though they are going through a hard time and trying to figure out who they are/can be at Marlboro High School. These are my three tips to help make your 1-4 years here at Marlboro High School the best!! My Tip #1 for all students is to make new friends, whether from different grade levels or your grade, try to interact with new people on your first day of school or throughout the school year! Tip #2 for all students is to come to sporting events, events held by the school such as Battle of the Classes, the Homecoming Dance/Game, etc.. Also go to Junior Prom/Senior Prom/Senior Week festivities, you will never get this opportunity again. Make the most of your high school experience. I’m a senior now, and I know I wish I could have gone to Battle of the Classes, or the Homecoming Dance/Game Freshmen Year of High School. But now I go to all these events. Whether it’s the Homecoming Dance/Game, or Battle of the Classes, or Junior Prom I try to make the most of my Marlboro High School experience. Lastly, Tip #3 for all students, is to join clubs/ tryout for sports teams. For example, I’ve joined Class of 2018 Council freshmen year of high school. Then sophomore year I joined a couple more including Ashley-Lauren Foundation(a Pediatric Cancer Club) and Marlboro Stangs for Multiple Sclerosis. Then Junior Year, I got even more involved and joined Student Council Executive Board  and helped setup for the Homecoming Dance in October of 2016 and I also joined that same year MHS Student-Administrative Council, to help improve the school with administration and school spirit, and Yearbook Club, to work on the Yearbook!  You may only have a limited amount of time to do this, whether your a new student/freshmen, sophomore, junior, or senior. Try to get involved and join a club or tryout for a sport. Before you know it, you will be eventually walking down the aisle at graduation, leaving Marlboro High School, and your future at college or for a long-term/short-term job will be waiting for you! All in all, the first day of school was great! Just follow these three tips for your 1-4 years here at Marlboro High School! High school is an experience that you will never want to forget. Try these 3 tips and you are sure to have a great high school experience! Let’s make this the #BestYearEver ! 💙💛🐎 #StangGangSpirit #GetInvolved #MakeNewFriends #MustangsUnited

Blog post by: James Cernivani & Margo Greenbaum (Grade 12)

Sunday, September 3, 2017

New Teacher Welcome Letter for the 2017-18 School Year

I was asked to a write a welcome letter to the new teachers and while I was thinking about what I was going to write, I realized that I also need to thank these teachers. As there are about 36 hours until the most important day of their careers, I would like to welcome them not only to Marlboro High School, but to the Stang Gang. Welcome to a building that you now call school, but in the future you will call your second home. Know that as a whole, as a community, and as a school we come together when we are need of celebration or when someone is in need of help. All for one, and one for all.
Being a teacher is one of the most rewarding careers a person can go into. Especially a high school teacher. Just one teacher could be the reason that a student decides to further their education & go to college. And to be the reason a person doesn't give up and realizes their true greatness is the best feeling and why many people become teachers. So I thank all nine of you (and the rest of the staff) for one day being that teacher or guidance counselor. I also thank you on behalf of each and every student you will have for letting us be us. As teenagers we have our moments and can for sure be rude and inconsiderate, and not all of them will apologize for it, so I'll do it for them. Don't take it personally! But, an even bigger thanks for accepting each and every one of us, for not judging us and for letting us open up to you and becoming someone we want to see everyday. Thanks for asking us how we are, for having real conversations with us, and possibly being the teacher who turns a frown upside down. Thanks for not getting angry when we don't understand something even after you've explained it 3 times, thanks for always having extra help, and most importantly thanks for not giving up on us. I personally remember never understanding a thing in algebra 2, but because my math teacher(s) willingly helped me and cheered me on, I aced tons of tests! Don't just be their teacher, become their motivator, their helper, and hopefully a mentor, too. As corny as it may seem, teachers are heroes without capes. The amount of times I've seen kids crying to teachers or just venting to teachers is amazing. To see students want to go talk to their teachers for personal advice and help shows how incredible all of the teachers are at mhs. I too have (literally) ran to my mentor when I was upset and knew that person was ready to listen to me and help me. But, more importantly, I love running to them when something good happens because I know that person will be happy for me, will celebrate with me, and even give me some candy which is a plus. I wish I could run into a class, but sadly I have to be given permission to go in by her secretary (stay awesome mrs. Campanero). As a senior I can see that students respect the teachers who make learning fun, the teachers who want to be at school, and the ones who respect their students, too.
Sydney Hook once said, "Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system." So, remember the person that inspired you to become a teacher and use that inspiration to create students who want to learn and who want to lead. I wish you luck for your first day of school and every day after that!

Blog Post by: Margo Greenbaum(Grade 12)