Monday, October 23, 2017

Homecoming, from a different perspective

I would like to thank James for thinking outside the box for it and making it so interesting, by having so many people help him write it. But, I will also take the time to talk about homecoming from a different perspective, from that of an escort, who in many ways had a different experience than the others! Even though it may be a shock to some,  I hate being the center of attention. Concerned that I was going to fall while walking or just do something to embarrass myself, I was worried. But, at the end of the day I am so glad I said yes to being James’ escort. At first I did not think anything big of this, I thought I only had to dress up and show up to the homecoming events. Instead I learned life lessons and became a better person. If it was learning how to have more (or any) patience or coordinating outfits, I came out being a better person. 
Whenever I sign up to do something I put either 110 percent of myself into it or nothing at all. By the end of homecoming I would say that James and I put 150 percent of ourselves into this. As I said numerous times throughout this, “What you put into it, is what you’ll get out of it”... In general, the amount of effort and dedication someone puts into something will show at the end. Because I lived by that motto for this event, there were times I got angry, there were times James got frustrated, and almost every day we were stressed. I’d like to thank the people who willingly listened to me complain or calmed me down with m&ms. Without these two fabulous ladies I  do not think we would have gotten the outcome we did. I would like to take this time to thank all of Marlboro High School for helping James and I. From Mrs. Andreacci giving us the infamous mustang tie to maintenance unlocking rooms with all our supplies in it, to student who helped make the decorations for the breakfast, the school helped us. Most importantly, we thank the staff and students who voted for us, who supported us, and donated to us. From my mentor keeping me cool through out the weeks of stressing & cheering me on at the breakfast & game, to the teachers who ate our food & donated to us, and to the students who promoted us, we thank you. It was truly a beautiful site to see the school become united to take part in such an amazing event. I hope that other students will realize how much fun school events can be, as I said, what you put into it, is what you'll get out of it. Because we decided James would be a chef and wear a chef's costume and I'd dress up to be the hostess with the mostess it was fun. It was fun to see people smile at our costumes, it was fun to get compliments, and it was fun to hear people say they'd donate or vote for us because we were so extra. The dance and the game were fun as well because so many people were there. It was fun because it was who we were with, not what we were doing. 
Even though anger came out, sweat dripped, and feet hurt, my goal was accomplished: to be the escort of the Homecoming King. If you saw the video when it’s announced you can physically see the stress and worry leave me and be replaced by joy and pride. I would do anything to go back in time and experience that feeling again. Even though I would like to and proudly do take a nice amount of credit for making this possible, it truly is all because of James. I would not have been able to campaign for him so well or even wanted to help so much if I did not think he was worthy of it. For those who do not know James and I are very similar. We both ran for  class president three times and lost all three times... But, since we were not running to write it on our resume, but because we care about our school, we still took part in fundraisers. I am proud to say that together we have made over $2000 for the class of 2018. That is why I worked so hard for him to win, because he truly deserved to. Congratulations James, you're the man or should I say king?!

 I personally thank "my people" for calming me down, helping me each step of the way, and for celebrating with me. Thank you to all the people who reached out to congratulate me or compliment me on outfits or my hard work, it means so much! 

On behalf of James and I, we thank you. We thank YOU for being the reason he now has title of homecoming King and I now have title of best escort (ever). 

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