Thursday, November 23, 2017

Day 23 of “THANKFUL STANG GANG” shout outs

Nostalgic is what I felt this morning. Waking up to the smell of pancakes being cooked or the music from the Macy’s day parade or just waking up in my own bed made me feel nostalgic. This past Tuesday was our BOTC and it was crazy to think that it was my last time as a student going to one & not a visitor. It was sad to see my fellow seniors crying when they heard we won, but at the same time it was eye opening. It’s my senior year, it’s my last year, and as of now it’s been my best year. So, Day 23 of “THANKFUL STANG GANG” shout outs is to all the people & things I’m thankful for... 

For those who do not know, I am adopted. That of course being what I’m most thankful for today & every day. For my parents who gave me a second chance at life. The people who brought me to the land of opportunity & where dreams become reality. As this blog is for the school and not my life story I will stop there talking about family. As every Facebook, Instagram, & Snapchat post I saw today said they were thankful for their family & friends. I am one of those who posted that because I am VERY thankful for my family & friends. But, I am also thankful & grateful for this school & education it’s self as a whole. 

Walking out of my 8th grade graduation I had the same feeling of nostalgia. Asking myself how did the 3 years go? Wasn’t I just going on a tour of the middle school? How can I leave a place I love so much? I told myself I was going to hate Marlboro High School, I’d hate my teachers, I’d hate my peers, and the building as a whole. Crazy, me having a negative attitude towards something, i know! But, As  I walked out of freshman orientation later that summer, my fears and doubts disappeared. I already started loving Marlboro High School. 

Freshman’s first day came around.  I remember sitting in the auditorium, all the way to the right, about 6 rows from the front. Having & feeling the same nerves as everyone listened to this man loudly speak about the rules of our new school. Mr. Liptzin proceeded to go on (and on) about all the rules, who then decided to give us a “pop quiz” at the end. He asked us something about phones, me just being me, screamed the answer out, and then wouldn’t say my name when he asked who said that. But, people told him it and he said because I said the right I answer I was on the top of his list of favorites. A list I hope I’m at least still on... From that day on i made it my goal to leave a positive & lasting impact on this school. Through out the years I’ve done (or at least I think) I’ve done just that. being thankful for the good times, the great times, and most importantly the bad ones that have let me accomplish my goal. Below are just some of the times I’m thankful for:

Freshman year I decided I was going to run for president and my video had to be the best one. So, I decided that I would dress up in my traditional taekwondo uniform, make up rhymes, & give the speech in my backyard. I lost that election and sadly I lost that battle another 2 Times. If you want a good laugh look up the video... 

Sophomore year I decided that I was meant to be a lax girl and I was destined to be a student athlete. I even quit friendship circle to dedicate my time to lacrosse. After months of clinics, pre season work outs, sweat, and tears, I thought I was good enough. I thought if I got on the team I would be varsity in a few short weeks. March of 2016 I had what I felt like was my first true heart break. I did not make the team. As I write this I look at my lacrosse stick & think what if I got on the team?...

Junior year I knew I was meant for this position. A position for the superintendent’s student cabinet. As I read the requirements I thought I was perfect for the job. A leader, a creative person, & dedicated person was what they wanted. It wasn’t even students voting if I was good enough, but adults who I thought would pick me. June 2017, as I’m about to leave the office after hearing I didn’t get the position,  I hear the secretary congratulate the person who did...

Senior year... well, thankfully I don’t have a story like the ones above to share about. but, there are still 6 more months to go... 

often I think about mr. Liptzin saying,  “These 4 years fly by, make the best out of it, they go in a blink of an eye.” 

Thinking about how I’ve changed since I sat in that auditorium. Thinking about how grateful I am for all the times I was not the chosen one, I was not good enough, and the odds were not in my favor. Those are the times I’m most thankful for because they are what let me find out how I could leave an impact. I’m thankful for them because they made me a better person, a better student, and better leader. I’m thankful for them because they taught me to celebrate the good times. Because you can only celebrate the good times if you’ve also been through bad times.

I am now thinking of all the people in Marlboro High School who I am thankful for & some of the good moments I’m most thankful for: 

BOTC- one of my favorite memories of high school. For 2 hours everyone in my grade puts their differences aside to cheer on their team, to cheer on their grade. A time where I can be loud & not get yelled at. Freshman year mrs.henderson called me cheer girl and I think I’ve held up that name since then. 

National Spanish honor society- I was the worst at Spanish in middle school. I could barely say my name is... but, with the inspiration and help of Sra. Saraceni I thrived in Spanish freshman year and skipped to Spanish 3 sophomore year. It is because of Sra. Saraceni that I have an undying love for the Spanish language and culture. It  is because of her that I worked hard enough to be inducted into N.S.H.S. In may of 2017.

National Art Honor society- Ms. Popiel being the reason I’m in that. Last year she reminded me how much I love art & how I can express my love for the school through it. With her help I made multiple metal mustang key chains. It will Be because of her I am inducted into the society in may of 2018. 

Stang Gang spirit- my pride & joy. When I was asked to help lead this account I did not think it would change me like it did. It has taught me patience, leadership skills, & how to be a better person. At first, I only posted upcoming events & retweeted what @MarlboroHSinNJ posted. Now I like, retweet, and comment on everything I deem needed. Using this account I have been able to spread my love for my school & education to other people. Using this account I have been able to make people smile. Using this account I’ve been able to sprinkle positivity wherever I can. Because I lead this account I have truly gained pride of our district. The other 5 schools are doing a great job of almost being the best school in the district, but it is amazing to see what everyone else is doing. I truly mean it when I say #districtpride . Because of Stang Gang spirit I feel as I will be leaving a lasting, positive impact. 

There are other people who I am so thankful for such As “the great garf” & ms. tutela who always cheered me on in student council. Mr. Uplinger who has reminded me that I love history even more than Spanish & will be majoring in it in college. A man who inspires me to not just gain the love all of my students, but respect of all my students, as well. Mrs. Andreacci who I count on for M&Ms & to make things okay. Ms.DiLorenza who always cheers me up & guides me in the right direction, and many more people. 

But, of course... my one & only mentor. The one who’s helped me through all the bad times  & who’s celebrated with me for all the good times. The one who has helped me become a better person, student, and leader. And the one who has helped make me achieve my goal. 
Stay amazing, Wonder Woman. 

Margo Greenbaum 

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