Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Battle of the Classes 2017 in Review

Battle of the Classes was a major success this year! Battle of the Classes is one of Marlboro High School’s most successful and largest events held in the school year, which brings competition to the table! Events leading up to Battle of the Classes included Mustang Mondays(Class Color,Red/White/Blue, and Mustang Apparel), Find the Mustang, Penny Wars, Theme Day, and STUCO Squares. Mustang Mondays are new this year, in which you have to wear your class color, Red/White/Blue, or Mustang Apparel on a specified day, then you show that your wearing it in the main lobby and your grades BOTC team earns points. Find the Mustang is an event in which the BOTC teams are each given the riddles/clues, to find a staff member in the building. Penny Wars is an event ran by MS for MS in which pennies equal positive points and silver coins/dollars equal negative points. Theme Day is a day where the BOTC teams dress up. STUCO Squares is an event where the BOTC teams collect money during their lunch period, to be donated to charity. Every $5 equals a spirit square which counts as points. The events on the night of BOTC include the Scooter Triathlon, the Egg Toss, Turkey Time,Heave-Ho, Thinking Event, Bulls Eye, Tug-a-War, and each grades Lip-Sync. Scooter Triathlon involves Three guys from each grade line up on one side of the gym and the girls on the other. Each must complete one length of the gym floor and tag off with their partner who will return to the other side of the gym in the same position. At the end of one complete lap, they will tag off and the new pair will switch to the next position. The three positions are swimming(going length of floor on stomach), bicycle(going backwards using just your feet), and running(hands on the scooter, bent over, running) The egg toss is when each pair tosses the egg to their partner. If they catch it without breakage two times, they will take three steps back. This repeats until only one person has the Egg. Turkey Time is where each grade level picks a person on their team to  wear a turkey mask and wrap in plastic wrap, until it runs out, then the person wrapped needs to hobble over to the center of the gym. Heave-Ho is where one member from each team will start out by pulling a piece of material with one member of their team on it. When they reach a certain distance marked with tape on the floor, another team member will get on the tarp. We will continue to see which team can have the most members pulled the farthest within a set time. The pocffint of this Jenna or the thinking event is that Mrs. Henderson, the host of BOTC, will say pull a color that is.... and then you have to pull a piece that is that color in a set time. Then whoever is last standing wins! Bulls Eyes is where one member from each team will roll a ball to the target each team will try to get closest to the target, while gaining points. Tug-a-War is where two grade levels will test their strength. The Lip-Sync is where each team will perform their dance or lip-sync for about 5 minutes. There will be 5 judges evaluating their outfits, lip syncing ability, originality, and synergy. The Sophomores won Mustang Mondays, the Seniors managed to win both Find the Mustang and Penny Wars, the Juniors won STUCO squares, and the Sophomores won Theme Day, in which their theme was the Day of the Sophs! The other grades themes were Toys R Frosh, Junior Rhyme Time, and Senior Citizens. 

The day has come! It was finally time for Battle of the Classes 2017! At approximately 6pm students were crowding outside the main entrance of Marlboro High School anxiously waiting to get in. As the doors opened, students entered the auditorium for a brief security check and then they were let out to the main gym, where the event was being held! BOTC started off at about 6:25pm with the Marlboro High School Cheer Team doing their performance! The Cheer Team did an outstanding job performing and got the crowd pumped up at BOTC! After the cheer team cleared out, the freshmen introduction song played! As the freshmen entered the gym and got closer to their grades section you could hear the enthusiasm from the Class of 2021, as they cheered on their grade! The Sophomore and Junior Section did the same thing as their grades’ introductions played! The Senior section got especially rowdy as the senior BOTC team walked into the gymnasium! After the introductions were played, then began the first event of BOTC, which was the Scooter Triathlon! On your mark, get set, GO! Each grade level cheered on their team as each pair went across a length of the gym and tagged off! The seniors won the Scooter Triathlon, second place were the Juniors, third place were the Sophomores, and fourth place were the Freshmen. Next up, the Egg Toss! Freshmen won the Egg Toss! Now, it was Turkey Time! Seniors had a little bit of trouble, but managed to win the Turkey Time event! Freshmen came in second for Turkey Time, Juniors third place, and sophomores fourth place. Heave-Ho was next up! The seniors won Heave-Ho, sophomores came in second, freshmen came in third, and juniors came in fourth. Next up was the Thinking Event, which was Jenga! The Freshmen won that event, the juniors came in second, seniors came in third, and sophomores came in fourth. Next up was Bulls Eye! Juniors won that event, freshmen came in second, seniors came in third, and sophomores came in fourth. Now is to test which grade is the strongest, Tug-a-War! First round was Sophomore Girls vs Senior Girls! The sophomore girls proved whose boss as they beat the senior girls in Tug-a-War! Next round was Freshmen Girls vs Junior Girls! Junior Girls won the second round of Tug-a-War against the Freshmen Girls! Next round was Sophomore Boys vs Senior Boys! Senior Boys won this round! Next round was Freshmen Boys vs Junior Boys! Junior Boys won this round. Next up was Senior Girls vs Freshmen Girls! Senior Girls won this round! Next up were Sophomore Boys vs Freshmen Boys! Sophomore Boys won this round! Next round were Sophomore Girls vs Junior Girls! Sophomore girls won this round! The last round were Senior Boys vs Junior Boys! Seniors won this round! Now, the Marlboro High School Dance Team performed! Some songs included in their performance include "Be Humble" by Kendrick Lamar, "Mi Gente" by J Balvin, etc! After the dance team performed, the Freshmen Team performed their lip-sync dance! Some songs/bits in their performance included “Bring Them Out” by T.I., “Replay” by IYAZ, Bop to the Top, “Buttons” by the Pussycat Dolls, “Kill the Lights” by Alex Newell , “Stronger” by Kanye West, Scene from Finding Nemo, “Umbrella” by Rihanna, “Take on Me” by a-ha, “Take me Home” by Cash Cash, etc! Next up was the Sophomores performance! Some songs/bits in their performance included “We Ready” by Archie Eversole, “Bring Them Out” by T.I., 7/11 by Beyonce, Mi Gente by J Balvin, “Womanizer” by Britney Spears, a scene from the Sandlot, Scene from Titanic, “September” by Earth,Wind, and Fire , “Physical” by Olivia Newton-John, etc! Next up was the Junior performance! Some songs/bits in their performance included "Promiscuous Girl" by Nelly Furtado, Angry Elf scene from Elf the Movie, "Bye Bye Bye" by NSYNC, "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor, The Purge Announcement, "Umbrella" by Rihanna, "It's Raining Men" by The Weather Girls, "Domino" by Jessie J, “Sweet Lovin” by Sigala, etc! Last but not least, was the Class of 2018’s last BOTC lip sync! Some songs/bits in the senior performance included “Stayin’ Alive” by Bee Gees, “Kiss me Thru the Phone” by Soulja Boy, “Good Grief” by Bastille, “Feel it Still” by Portugal. The Man, “I Fall Apart” by Post Malone, “I Lived” by One Republic, “Here’s to Never Growing Up” by Avril Lavigne, etc! After the lip-sync dances came the announcement of the BOTC winner! Seniors remain undefeated as they win once again! Juniors and Freshmen tied for second place and the Sophomores came in third place. Sad to say that it was our last BOTC as students of Marlboro High School. It has really been a experience going to Battle of the Classes these past four years! We will truly miss going! As for people who have never experienced it, you must go! It is really a experience that you don’t want to miss! As for our winners, the Class of 2018 Seniors, CONGRATULATIONS SENIORS YOUR CHALLENGE IS COMPLETE! Listed below is each grade levels team members!


Boys:                                               Girls:

1) Caden Lawless                        1) Taylor Urbach

2) Angelo Tropeano                     2) Hailey Derosa
3) Bryden Delaney                       3) Samantha Jay
4) Josh Glazier                             4) Emma Jay
5) Jack Schwartz                          5) Olivia Matrone
6) AJ Aquilino                             6) Mackenzie Werther
7) Matt Kaplan                             7) Halle Scarpa

Boys:                                            Girls:
1) Anthony Galante                     1) Mikayla Umanzor
2) Alex Ratner                             2) Lily Kamras
3) George Manos                         3) Brianna Diaz
4) Jacob Plotkin                           4) Andrea Lipkus
5) Logan Toran                            5) Lexie Seidler
6) Noah Rosen                             6) Rebecca Helff
7) Joseph Iacovano                      7) Samantha Spano

Boys:                                             Girls:
1) Vincent Aquilino                     1) Olivia Amabile
2) Carson Friedman                     2) Isabella Basile
3) Dylan Kaufman                       3) Olivia Hornik
4) Nick Massato                           4) Sydney Bohm
5) Omar Ozbay                             5) Sydney Dictrow
6) Oscar Ozbay                             6) Madison Rallis
7) Jerry Vakshlyak                        7) Jamie Zwirn

Boys:                                              Girls:
1) Brian Levine                             1) Sarah Gottdenker
2) Zachary Scarpa                         2) Skylar Simon
3) Jonny Helff                               3) Carly Cooper
4) Davonte Smith                          4) Shelly Chikis
5) Justin Marcus                            5) Sarah Ricci
6) Jacob Schmid                            6) Lauren Calvaruso
7) Robert Aberman                        7) Danica Stern

By James Cernivani

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Day 23 of “THANKFUL STANG GANG” shout outs

Nostalgic is what I felt this morning. Waking up to the smell of pancakes being cooked or the music from the Macy’s day parade or just waking up in my own bed made me feel nostalgic. This past Tuesday was our BOTC and it was crazy to think that it was my last time as a student going to one & not a visitor. It was sad to see my fellow seniors crying when they heard we won, but at the same time it was eye opening. It’s my senior year, it’s my last year, and as of now it’s been my best year. So, Day 23 of “THANKFUL STANG GANG” shout outs is to all the people & things I’m thankful for... 

For those who do not know, I am adopted. That of course being what I’m most thankful for today & every day. For my parents who gave me a second chance at life. The people who brought me to the land of opportunity & where dreams become reality. As this blog is for the school and not my life story I will stop there talking about family. As every Facebook, Instagram, & Snapchat post I saw today said they were thankful for their family & friends. I am one of those who posted that because I am VERY thankful for my family & friends. But, I am also thankful & grateful for this school & education it’s self as a whole. 

Walking out of my 8th grade graduation I had the same feeling of nostalgia. Asking myself how did the 3 years go? Wasn’t I just going on a tour of the middle school? How can I leave a place I love so much? I told myself I was going to hate Marlboro High School, I’d hate my teachers, I’d hate my peers, and the building as a whole. Crazy, me having a negative attitude towards something, i know! But, As  I walked out of freshman orientation later that summer, my fears and doubts disappeared. I already started loving Marlboro High School. 

Freshman’s first day came around.  I remember sitting in the auditorium, all the way to the right, about 6 rows from the front. Having & feeling the same nerves as everyone listened to this man loudly speak about the rules of our new school. Mr. Liptzin proceeded to go on (and on) about all the rules, who then decided to give us a “pop quiz” at the end. He asked us something about phones, me just being me, screamed the answer out, and then wouldn’t say my name when he asked who said that. But, people told him it and he said because I said the right I answer I was on the top of his list of favorites. A list I hope I’m at least still on... From that day on i made it my goal to leave a positive & lasting impact on this school. Through out the years I’ve done (or at least I think) I’ve done just that. being thankful for the good times, the great times, and most importantly the bad ones that have let me accomplish my goal. Below are just some of the times I’m thankful for:

Freshman year I decided I was going to run for president and my video had to be the best one. So, I decided that I would dress up in my traditional taekwondo uniform, make up rhymes, & give the speech in my backyard. I lost that election and sadly I lost that battle another 2 Times. If you want a good laugh look up the video... 

Sophomore year I decided that I was meant to be a lax girl and I was destined to be a student athlete. I even quit friendship circle to dedicate my time to lacrosse. After months of clinics, pre season work outs, sweat, and tears, I thought I was good enough. I thought if I got on the team I would be varsity in a few short weeks. March of 2016 I had what I felt like was my first true heart break. I did not make the team. As I write this I look at my lacrosse stick & think what if I got on the team?...

Junior year I knew I was meant for this position. A position for the superintendent’s student cabinet. As I read the requirements I thought I was perfect for the job. A leader, a creative person, & dedicated person was what they wanted. It wasn’t even students voting if I was good enough, but adults who I thought would pick me. June 2017, as I’m about to leave the office after hearing I didn’t get the position,  I hear the secretary congratulate the person who did...

Senior year... well, thankfully I don’t have a story like the ones above to share about. but, there are still 6 more months to go... 

often I think about mr. Liptzin saying,  “These 4 years fly by, make the best out of it, they go in a blink of an eye.” 

Thinking about how I’ve changed since I sat in that auditorium. Thinking about how grateful I am for all the times I was not the chosen one, I was not good enough, and the odds were not in my favor. Those are the times I’m most thankful for because they are what let me find out how I could leave an impact. I’m thankful for them because they made me a better person, a better student, and better leader. I’m thankful for them because they taught me to celebrate the good times. Because you can only celebrate the good times if you’ve also been through bad times.

I am now thinking of all the people in Marlboro High School who I am thankful for & some of the good moments I’m most thankful for: 

BOTC- one of my favorite memories of high school. For 2 hours everyone in my grade puts their differences aside to cheer on their team, to cheer on their grade. A time where I can be loud & not get yelled at. Freshman year mrs.henderson called me cheer girl and I think I’ve held up that name since then. 

National Spanish honor society- I was the worst at Spanish in middle school. I could barely say my name is... but, with the inspiration and help of Sra. Saraceni I thrived in Spanish freshman year and skipped to Spanish 3 sophomore year. It is because of Sra. Saraceni that I have an undying love for the Spanish language and culture. It  is because of her that I worked hard enough to be inducted into N.S.H.S. In may of 2017.

National Art Honor society- Ms. Popiel being the reason I’m in that. Last year she reminded me how much I love art & how I can express my love for the school through it. With her help I made multiple metal mustang key chains. It will Be because of her I am inducted into the society in may of 2018. 

Stang Gang spirit- my pride & joy. When I was asked to help lead this account I did not think it would change me like it did. It has taught me patience, leadership skills, & how to be a better person. At first, I only posted upcoming events & retweeted what @MarlboroHSinNJ posted. Now I like, retweet, and comment on everything I deem needed. Using this account I have been able to spread my love for my school & education to other people. Using this account I have been able to make people smile. Using this account I’ve been able to sprinkle positivity wherever I can. Because I lead this account I have truly gained pride of our district. The other 5 schools are doing a great job of almost being the best school in the district, but it is amazing to see what everyone else is doing. I truly mean it when I say #districtpride . Because of Stang Gang spirit I feel as I will be leaving a lasting, positive impact. 

There are other people who I am so thankful for such As “the great garf” & ms. tutela who always cheered me on in student council. Mr. Uplinger who has reminded me that I love history even more than Spanish & will be majoring in it in college. A man who inspires me to not just gain the love all of my students, but respect of all my students, as well. Mrs. Andreacci who I count on for M&Ms & to make things okay. Ms.DiLorenza who always cheers me up & guides me in the right direction, and many more people. 

But, of course... my one & only mentor. The one who’s helped me through all the bad times  & who’s celebrated with me for all the good times. The one who has helped me become a better person, student, and leader. And the one who has helped make me achieve my goal. 
Stay amazing, Wonder Woman. 

Margo Greenbaum 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

one like equals one birthday wish

"Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system."_ Sydney Hook
Who is the first educator you think of? What did you love so much about them? What makes them different from all the others who also say, "They're a teacher because they want to make a difference?" How thankful are you for this person? Are you smiling while thinking about them?

I think of my first grade teacher Ms. Mundy, who made elementary school so fun. The one who made adding and subtraction so fun. The one who gave the best hugs. But, am I smiling? No.
I think of my fourth grade teacher, Ms. Barrett. The one who helped me with math. The one who didnʼt get frustrated when I didnʼt understand the topic, but instead tried a new approach. The one who gave us extra recess. But, Iʼm not smiling. 
I think of my favorite middle school teacher, Miss McKee, the woman who inspired me to become a teacher, but made math confusing for me. Am I smiling? Partially. 
I think of all the people in high school who do make me smile. Sra. Saraceni, a teacher Iʼve had for 3 years who made me fall in love with Spanish. Mr. Uplinger, a man who I have much reverence for, but someone who I used to be scared of, is now my teacher. A man who is not just teaching me how to become a better public speaker, but someone who is helping me become a better person. Yes, I am smiling, but I want you to think of that educator who brings back such happy memories that your not just smiling, but kind of laughing. The person youʼre so thankful for. The person who helped you become the person you are today. If you follow our twitter account day 9 of “THANKFUL STANG GANG” shout outs is to the person that comes to me. For those who donʼt follow us the tweet said, “Day 9 of “THANKFUL STANG GANG” shout outs is from me to the birthday girl, mrs. Bruno, who puts the wonder in woman & is a lifetime mentor & friend.” 
Mrs. Bruno is the person that comes to my mind. The one who makes me smile ear to ear. The one who does it all, not just for me, but for everyone who comes into her life.
Below are not just birthday messages, but just some of the people she has touched:

1. “Thank you for your friendship and support. Enjoy your day. Hereʼs to 50 more.” Jennifer Okerson

 2. “Youʼre the nicest VP I know and itʼs an honor working/for you on Stang Gang. I appreciate all the hard work you do for this school! Happy Birthday, enjoy your special day!” James

3. “Mrs. Bruno is dedicated to everything and everyone she is involved with. She is a great person to work with. I would like to wish her the best birthday ever!”- Sue DʼOnofrio

4. “A “huge” Happy Birthday to Mrs. Bruno! A woman who is always reaching above the stars and has a heart of gold!”- Cheryl Campanaro 

5. “ happy birthday to someone who always puts her students before herself, but never her coffee!”- Kevin Flynn

6. “ hoping you have a great birthday and that we can make fun of Margo again!”- Margoʼs company

7. “I love when mrs. bruno says hello to me every morning with a big smile on
her face! Hope she has an amazing birthday on our day off!”- Ashley McGeown

8. “Life is too short, make sure you take time to stop and smell the roses.”- Paula Harrigfeld

9. “To my best friend- Happy Birthday!”- Bill Bruno 

10. “Happy birthday!! Hope you have an awesome day. You deserve it!!”- Michael Walsh 

11. “Happy birthday to you! Hope you enjoy your day!”- Marissa Hazel

12. “Happy birthday! Hope you enjoy every second of this day. It is well deserved!”-Matthew Levi

13. “Happy birthday Mrs. Bruno! I hope you enjoy this special birthday and year! =)”-Tiffany LoBraico

14.“ Happy birthday Jeannette!!! Wishing you a wonderful birthday and 50 more years of health and happiness <3”- Elena Andreacci 

15. “Jeannette, I wanted to find you the perfect present for your birthday. Then, I realized you are so old now that you certainly have everything you could ever want. No presents for you! Happy birthday! But, you make 50 look good!!” - Lindsay Fuchs 

16. “Happy birthday to the one whose heart shines through in everything she does & the one who impacts me most! Lots of love!”- Margo

17. “Happy 50th to my favorite fitness freak!”- Scott liptzin 

18. “Happy Birthday to the most wonderful woman in the world! We love you dearly and are so    blessed to be a part of your life.”- CJ, Cole, & Alicia

Why 18 and not 50? Is it because I didnʼt have enough time to get that many people to submit something? Maybe. But, in the Jewish world 18 is a lucky number. To make the number you use to letters and one of them being “chai”. Chai means life. Thatʼs why at Mitzvahs, weddings, and any Jewish occasion people say "Lʼchaim" because we are celebrating life. And thereʼs no one whoʼs life that is deserved to be celebrated more than this woman. The amount of lives sheʼs touched throughout her career is innumerable. The amount of smiles she has made is innumerable. The amount of hearts sheʼs touched is innumerable. The amount of people who will never forget her is innumerable. If I could get her on Ellenʼs show I would. If I could get her a billboard saying thanks I would. If I could show her how many people sheʼs inspired and made better people, I would. If I could put into words how sheʼs impacted me in these past few years, I would, but canʼt. So, for this big milestone in her life I did 5 different gifts. The 4th one was a Wonder Woman shirt. Why? Because in past articles I wrote that she is a superhero. That sheʼs a hero, but without a cape, like many other teachers. But she deserves an actual uniform and I chose that super hero because I always WONDER how a WOMAN could be so amazing...

Margo Greenbaum