Sunday, October 29, 2017

Ignite the light

This past weekend for many was “halloweekend”, but for me it was the weekend of RJI. An annual convention BBYO has. Every convention has a theme and the theme for this weekend was to “Ignite the light”... Even though their target audience was Jewish teens, my audience is you, the reader.

Take the time to imagine what I’m explaining, because this is what I was a part of on Friday night. Over 150 teenagers sitting in a brightly lit room, holding an electric candle, given 3 simple rules. One, to be silent and listen to the speakers, two to turn the candle on and off every time you heard something that also “ignites a flame” inside of you. , and three, to keep the light on after hearing five different things that ignite your light. As each person spoke the lights in the room got darker and darker till they were out, but as time went on more & more “flames were ignited” lighting the room up on its own. Here are the five things that were said that ignite my flame...:

“I ignite my light for the first responders that, at great personal risk, serve all of us every day”

“I ignite my light for those who don’t have a voice to speak their mind”

“I ignite my light for the underpaid and overworked bus drivers, janitors, and cafeteria workers at school”

“I ignite my light for doctors, nurses, and other health professionals who dedicate their lives to improving ours”

“I ignite my light for teachers and educators who work tirelessly to ensure that we receive the best education possible”

Before hearing this my flame was starting to go out. I was stressed and I was upset. But, after being part of what you just imagined and I described, I remembered that my life is good and could be much worse. I could be one of the people living with no electricity or running water in Puerto Rico. I could be one of the people living with out a house because it burned down in California. I could be living in a country where girls do not have the privilege to have an education. But, I’m not... and the likelihood that if you’re reading this, means that your life is better than the people’s lives I just described. Which means you can make a difference. Which means you can help the world. And most importantly you can help OUR posterity. Remember, everything we do in this moment effects the future, it effects our kids, and it effects many generations to come. So, make today be the day you start doing something that will make their lives better than ours. I personally know what I’ll be doing to do so. Since sixth grade I knew I wanted to be a teacher because they are the people who make all other jobs possible. I look forward to being the reason that a student of mine will one day be able to give medical attention to someone who speaks Spanish because I taught them enough that they could communicate. I look forward to being the reason that one of my students can communicate with people at work because of my class. And one day when I do go into administration, I look forward to leading the school in the right direction, as ours is. But, more importantly, I look forward to changing, inspiring, and personally connecting with at least one student, like one of them has done for me. That person may or may have not been matching me at the pink out game, but, they know who they are (stay amazing!)...But, for those who do not know what they want to do for the rest of their lives start with something little. Just holding the door open will impact the future. When I hold the door for someone I can then see a chain reaction of everyone who goes through that door, holding it for the next person, teaching people to help one another. Support clubs when they sell things. Peer leadership sold pink ribbons for breast cancer research- that one dollar you put in can and will be the reason someone survives breast cancer and better yet will be the reason there is a cure for it one day. If you work at a camp then for 8 weeks make it your goal to teach them one thing or inspire them. I know that I set myself a goal to have one of my first grade boys learn how to put a shirt on properly. He could never figure out which way it goes- I taught him to look for the tag and that’s the side that goes on his back. The first few weeks he still asked me, but by week 8 he didn’t even have to ask me if he did it correctly and better yet, he helped other kids who had the same issue as he once did. Yet again, a chained reaction. Work on helping what’s better for everyone, not just yourself, because in the long run you’ll be a better person. As the infamous saying says “treat others like how you want to be treated...” Show them kindness and offer them a hand and they’ll do the same for you.As each one of us does that we will be making this world a brighter place.

The next set of directions we were given at the convention was to write a word or multiple words on your candle. Those words being things that you do that make the world a better place. Something that you do that brings light into a world that can and is so dark at sometimes. Some people wrote friendship, some people wrote kindness, and some people wrote love. I being the extra person I am, wrote 5 different things- but my 2 main ones were laughter and writing. As I write this I think of ways that I can some how make you laugh, while writing about such an important topic. But, in general I like to make people laugh. Nothing makes me happier than knowing I’m the reason someone’s laughing and happy. If I was being sarcastic, told a joke (which is not likely), or if I unintentionally did something to make me look stupid, I love seeing people laugh. I love being the reason that I shed light in a world that’s so dark.

As Ghandi said, “Be the change you wish to see...” Now that does not mean this week you have to go create a robot that does homework or put an end to world hunger. I know an issue this school has is the lack of school spirit. “No one goes to games” “no one went to this” “but we should” “but this school” ... Every sentence or should I say complaint starts with “No one” and also has a “but”. Yes, the number of supporters at the last game was small, but not none. I saw some of the people in my peer class who hear the same complaints I hear. But, instead of just waiting for others to go, they went. They are trying to make a change in the school, not just complain about it. And what they’re doing is working, every time I’d look around a few more of their friends showed up. And sooner or later people won’t be “forced” to go to events, it’ll be they want to go because it’s not what you’re doing, it’s who your with. Just like when you were little and played hide and seek. The game never changes, but the people do, which determines how much fun you would have. If you just walked to where you were going to hide next or if you were running there and feeling your heart beat race when you heard them coming closer. It’s the same thing as ANY school event. Bring people you enjoy and you’ll enjoy what you’re at, but at the same time impacting the future. By showing younger kids that these events are fun and “lit”. You’re bringing the school out of it’s dark whole of being known as the one with no school spirit, to the school that’s working on it and slowly their Stang Gang is growing, to the school that everyone wishes they went to because one day it’ll just have so much spirit.

Never let your flame go out. As I said, mine was very weak coming to the BBYO convention. But, l came home from the convention with my flame strongly ignited. And I look forward to spreading my light in a world that can be so dark, and I hope you join me.

Margo Greenbaum 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Homecoming, from a different perspective

I would like to thank James for thinking outside the box for it and making it so interesting, by having so many people help him write it. But, I will also take the time to talk about homecoming from a different perspective, from that of an escort, who in many ways had a different experience than the others! Even though it may be a shock to some,  I hate being the center of attention. Concerned that I was going to fall while walking or just do something to embarrass myself, I was worried. But, at the end of the day I am so glad I said yes to being James’ escort. At first I did not think anything big of this, I thought I only had to dress up and show up to the homecoming events. Instead I learned life lessons and became a better person. If it was learning how to have more (or any) patience or coordinating outfits, I came out being a better person. 
Whenever I sign up to do something I put either 110 percent of myself into it or nothing at all. By the end of homecoming I would say that James and I put 150 percent of ourselves into this. As I said numerous times throughout this, “What you put into it, is what you’ll get out of it”... In general, the amount of effort and dedication someone puts into something will show at the end. Because I lived by that motto for this event, there were times I got angry, there were times James got frustrated, and almost every day we were stressed. I’d like to thank the people who willingly listened to me complain or calmed me down with m&ms. Without these two fabulous ladies I  do not think we would have gotten the outcome we did. I would like to take this time to thank all of Marlboro High School for helping James and I. From Mrs. Andreacci giving us the infamous mustang tie to maintenance unlocking rooms with all our supplies in it, to student who helped make the decorations for the breakfast, the school helped us. Most importantly, we thank the staff and students who voted for us, who supported us, and donated to us. From my mentor keeping me cool through out the weeks of stressing & cheering me on at the breakfast & game, to the teachers who ate our food & donated to us, and to the students who promoted us, we thank you. It was truly a beautiful site to see the school become united to take part in such an amazing event. I hope that other students will realize how much fun school events can be, as I said, what you put into it, is what you'll get out of it. Because we decided James would be a chef and wear a chef's costume and I'd dress up to be the hostess with the mostess it was fun. It was fun to see people smile at our costumes, it was fun to get compliments, and it was fun to hear people say they'd donate or vote for us because we were so extra. The dance and the game were fun as well because so many people were there. It was fun because it was who we were with, not what we were doing. 
Even though anger came out, sweat dripped, and feet hurt, my goal was accomplished: to be the escort of the Homecoming King. If you saw the video when it’s announced you can physically see the stress and worry leave me and be replaced by joy and pride. I would do anything to go back in time and experience that feeling again. Even though I would like to and proudly do take a nice amount of credit for making this possible, it truly is all because of James. I would not have been able to campaign for him so well or even wanted to help so much if I did not think he was worthy of it. For those who do not know James and I are very similar. We both ran for  class president three times and lost all three times... But, since we were not running to write it on our resume, but because we care about our school, we still took part in fundraisers. I am proud to say that together we have made over $2000 for the class of 2018. That is why I worked so hard for him to win, because he truly deserved to. Congratulations James, you're the man or should I say king?!

 I personally thank "my people" for calming me down, helping me each step of the way, and for celebrating with me. Thank you to all the people who reached out to congratulate me or compliment me on outfits or my hard work, it means so much! 

On behalf of James and I, we thank you. We thank YOU for being the reason he now has title of homecoming King and I now have title of best escort (ever). 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Homecoming 2017 in Review

Homecoming 2017 was a major success! Homecoming festivities included Spirit Week, money donations to be donated to Make a Wish, the Homecoming Breakfast for faculty and students, the Homecoming Dance, and the Homecoming Game! 

Spirit Week was very festive as the guys and girls dressed up in sports, pajama, and formal attire! From a koala onesie to wearing a suit on theme day, they dressed to impress! During Spirit Week, the Homecoming Court collected money during their lunch period! All donations are being donated to Make a Wish! The Homecoming Breakfast for Faculty and Students included people making waffles, coffee, bagels, banana bread, apples for your favorite teacher, and so much more! Money donations made from the Homecoming Breakfast were also donated to Make a Wish! 

The annual Homecoming Dance was October 13th, which was Tiki themed. There were several decorations that captured the Tiki feel, such as a limbo, a place where you can lie down on, streamers when you walk in, and so much more! Everyone danced the night way, and everyone had a blast! Around 9pm the Homecoming Court put on their sashes with Homecoming Royalty across the sash and took multiple pictures! Then was the moment the Homecoming Court and their escorts were introduced! After the Homecoming Court and escorts were introduced was the announcing of the BOTC team members for this year! The dance was a night to remember, with probably the most people that showed up out of all years at MHS! 

October 14th was the Homecoming Game. It was a muggy day out, but the Marlboro High School Football team played their best, the Marlboro HS Cheerleaders and Marlboro HS Dance Team kept the crowd entertained, and the MHS Marching Band stood on the bleachers huddled together waiting for their queue! Marlboro versed Neptune High School in this years Homecoming Game!

Halftime was outstanding as the MHS Dance Team performed on the field with the Marching Band beside them! After the Dance Team and Marching Band has performed, it was time! The Homecoming Court, and Class Princesses were all announced! Last years Homecoming Queen Nia Jones and last years Homecoming King Shlomo Nachum had walked down the track for their last reign as Homecoming King and Queen, followed by the Homecoming Court and Class Princesses, to crown the next Homecoming King, Homecoming Queen,Homecoming Prince, and Homecoming Princess. The moment of truth was here! Alanna Flores was announced as Homecoming Princess and Megan Geller accepted her title as the 2017 Homecoming Queen of Marlboro High School! Along with Homecoming Princess and Homecoming Queen came the announcement of Homecoming Prince and Homecoming King. Scott Mandell was announced Homecoming Prince and James Cernivani accepted his title as the 2017 Homecoming King of Marlboro High School! 

It was a tough game, but the Mustangs won! The winning score was 27-21 against Neptune High School! The 2017 Homecoming Game and Homecoming Dance were both successes! Thanks to all who came! And now a few words from some of your Homecoming King and Queen Candidates

Homecoming King Candidates:
James Cernivani(Homecoming King)
“Homecoming 2017 was an exhilarating experience for me! It was really fun to be able to run with an amazing group of people, who I can call family! I am so honored to be your 2017 Homecoming King of Marlboro High School! Can’t wait to come back next year to crown the next King and Queen! Thank you everyone for supporting me in everything I do! Without you guys, none of this would be possible! Thank you!”

Dmytro Korsunskyy 
“I just want to say that it was a good time and a very fun experience in participating in such a activity! “

Scott Mandell(Homecoming Prince)

Homecoming Queen Candidates: 
Megan Geller(Homecoming Queen)
“Homecoming was really fun! I am so honored to be your 2017 Homecoming Queen!

Skylar Jaegar:

Lauren Calvaruso

Sarah Gottdenker

Alanna Flores

Maddy Grumet

Homecoming Court: 
Queen Candidates:
  1. Megan Geller(Homecoming Queen) Escort: Spencer Siegel
  2. Alanna Flores (Homecoming Princess)
       Escort: Ralph DePalma
  1. Lauren Calvaruso
       Escort: Jacob Schmid
  1. Maddy Grumet
       Escort: Alex Rodenborn 
  1. Skylar Jaegar
       Escort: Matt Wolf
  1. Sarah Gottdenker 
       Escort: Brian Levine

King Candidates:
  1. James Cernivani(Homecoming King)
       Escort: Margo Greenbaum 
  1. Scott Mandell(Homecoming Prince)
       Escort: Jara Penn-Bahar 
  1. Dmytro Korsunskyy 
       Escort: Carly Cooper

Class Princesses:
Freshmen: Kiley Sherer
Sophomore: Andrea Lipkus 
Junior: Jenna Lombardi

Blog Post Written by: James Cernivani, also with the help of the rest of the Homecoming Court!

💙💛🐎👑 #Homecoming2K17