Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Going Gets Tough

As we enter into the second month of the 2019-2020 school year, some of us look forward to moving on and see just how close the following year is, while for others, we reminisce on our last September of High School. Some of us look forward to the following years of high school, others look forward to getting accepted into college to start living the life we were meant to live. While this is my debut article, there are several things I would like to recollect on.

 Before going any further, I would like to congratulate the Varsity Football team for winning the first game of the season, and would like to wish them luck for future games to come. I would also like to thank James Cernivani and Margo Greenbaum, Marlboro alumni, for granting me the opportunity to write for this blog. It means a lot to know that I am being trusted with this blog, and will put every ounce of effort into this as those prior to me have.

Back to what I was saying.

Senior year so far has consisted of a variety of emotions that have ranged from utter happiness, to loneliness and anxiety. Some of you reading this may be underclassmen who don't quite understand yet what I'm talking about, while other of you, those of you who are seniors, will know exactly what I mean when I say you're living on the edge of your seat finding about which colleges will accept you. Who will you commit to? Is your SAT score good enough? What about my extracurriculars? These are all questions that cloud our everyday thoughts and always manage to find its way back into our everyday conversations. We wonder who is applying where, what will we do if we get in or if we don't, and simply hope that things will turn out okay. Through my years of high school, and now finally being a senior, I have come to the conclusion that living your life on the edge of your seat is not always the best thing. We have become so accustomed to this idea of overworking someone else to be on top that we never really get to enjoy the little things that high school has to offer. As surprising as that may sound, you'll realize that it was through school you've met your best friend, or that you've found something that you're passionate about, or maybe even just discovering who you are as a person. While this article may seem quite simple for a debut, there's a few more things to add before ending this off.

To the underclassmen: you may feel scared to ask for help from other people, and you may feel intimidated by your teachers or any of your fellow students. Talk to them, they are human too. It took me a long time to break out of my shell and find people that I really do like, and who also really like me. As cliche as it sounds, being yourself is an amazing thing and getting involved with clubs such as debate, volunteer work, asian club, literary magazine will help you find yourself. Putting yourself out there is one of the best things to do, so start early. The earlier you do it, the more passionate and involved you'll become. Remember that one bad mark is not the end of the world, and that the people around you may not last a lifetime as you would think. People change whether you like it or not, and that's okay, all you can do is accept it for them and for yourself. Enjoy the next few years ahead of you as best as you can. While it may not be the easiest thing, there will always be people there to support you.

To the seniors: while it may not feel like it could come soon enough, graduation is starting to feel really close now. Through all the trials and tribulations of maturing into the person you are today, it's safe to say that we couldn't have done it if it weren't for those around us, and our will to keep pushing forward. Even if things were rough, or if things just seemed impossible, somehow you managed get past the trials and tribulations of maturing into a young adult. While it may feel like things are changing too quickly, it is only a matter of time before you realize that change is good. There comes good and, potentially, even bad, but even then you learn and grow from everything that has happened. Good luck to everyone this year as you embark on your journey to adulthood.

-Jess Mirkin

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