Sunday, August 27, 2017

Beginning to End, we did it together: Open Letter to the Class of 2018

As we approach our last first day of high school, I’d like to say congratulations to my fellow classmates. I have to say these past 3-4 years have been a journey. As we prepare to enter the next chapter of our lives, I have to say I will most definitely miss my fellow classmates. Marlboro High School has given me the opportunity to run for class president for the past 3 years. Even though I lost all three times, I have to say I’ve connected with so many great people through this experience. In addition, I’ve created StangGang Spirit, to get people involved in their high school experience. It may not seem like it, but I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot  over these past three years at Marlboro High School, whether it’s raising money to benefit the Class of 2018 for our Senior Week planning, or whether it’s running  StangGang Spirit, I’ve accomplished alot. It may seem like senior year will not fly by, but it will! Senior year will go by really quick. Before you know it, we will be walking down the aisle at graduation and our future will be waiting for us! My advice to the Class of 2021, is to enjoy your four years here at Marlboro High School, four years will go by quickly! As for our Class of 2018 Seniors, Let’s make this the best year ever! Let’s make this one count! Thank you Marlboro High School students, faculty, and most importantly the administration for letting me recreate the Marlboro High School experience and to run StangGang Spirit. Without you guys, none of this would be possible. Also I give credit to my friend Margo Greenbaum who is helping me run StangGang Spirit this year! Thank you all! Seniors, let’s do it B18!!!  💙💛🐎🎓 #SEN18RS 

Blog post by: James Cernivani (Grade 12)

Monday, August 7, 2017

Class of 2021 Welcome Letter

With less than 30 days until school starts, I'm sure that school is on your mind. Wondering if it the next 4 years will be like High School Musical or if parties like Project X happen every weekend. Wondering if there's a pool on the 3rd floor or if you'll be pushed in a locker. Well I'll let you figure out if there's a pool, but you will not be pushed into a locker. The lockers are too small to, anyway. But, as I sit here thinking about how my last year of high school is about to begin I wish I knew the things that I know now, three summers ago. Try hard freshman year. Whoever said that it doesn't count, is wrong. Your GPA will be impacted by your freshman year. Don't be scared to go to extra help and ask questions. The teachers don't bite and they all stay after school a few times a week. Being a Mustang is something to be proud of. You will realize that not all of our teams win every game, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't go to football, lacrosse, or baseball games. Cheer your friends on, join the Stang Gang. The more school spirit you and your friends have the more fun you will have during school and at the games. Don't forget, Fridays are blue and gold day! As a freshman get your name out there, join clubs, try out for teams, and make new friends. I am part of more than 5 activities in this school and everyone knows my name. If someone invites you to a party and you feel comfortable going, then go. No one will pressure you to do something and you can always have a buddy system with a friend or have code word with your parents/guardian if you want to be picked up. Realize that at Marlboro, we are a community, we come together to celebrate, and if needed, to help one another out. It's up to you if you're going to wake up every morning to go to a place that you feel  is like prison or a place you love to go. Become friends with people you normally wouldn't talk to and make friends with older kids. I know how cool I felt when a senior would scream my name! Also, it doesn't hurt to talk to your teachers and to the administrators. I talk to so many of them on a daily basis, and trust me it's a good thing to have them on your side. You're not in middle school anymore. Your teachers will have real conversations with you and treat you like an adult if you open up to them. I love knowing that if I'm upset about something or just need an adult to talk to I can run to the office to talk to some administrators or go to one of my teachers. You most likely won't be walking out of high school with the people you walked in with, and that's okay. As you grow and mature you'll learn who your real friends are and who you can and can't trust. Just remember, in the end the only person you need to worry about is yourself. The only person who you need to make happy is yourself, and the only person who will make you successful is you! What you make out of some the best years of your life is up to you. Do what you want to do, but remember your grades and your happiness/ health always comes first! Welcome to Marlboro High School and even more important welcome to the STANG GANG "let's get a little bit rowdy, mustangs are rowdy!!"

Blog post by: Margo Greenbaum(Grade 12)