Sunday, May 6, 2018

Stanggang Spotlight: Mrs. Carey

If you are not seeing this fellow mustang waiting with her students for the bus or smiling during hall duty, you’ll see her doing what she loves most, teaching! Mrs. Carey was not always a teacher, before starting her career in education she worked in television production for MTV! Though it may seem amazing to others, she was not happy with the long work hours. 

She says that what made her interested in teaching was the fact that all her roommates were in that field. Listening to their student teaching experiences and the work they were assigned fascinated her. She took one class and she was hooked! 

17 years later Mrs. Carey has taught various classes such as civics and government and math. Being a special education teacher has taught her as much as teaches. She says that it’s not the test grades she remembers, but the laughs and special moments she thinks about when she hears a students name. They’ve taught her the importance of appreciating the little things and not to take her self too seriously. She is continuously impressed by their perseverance and bravery in pursuit of their goals.

We asked her what she hopes her students learn from her and her response is one of the many reasons she got educator of the month. Mrs. Carey said, “That it’s important to try, even when things are hard. That there are always people who are willing to cheer you on and help you out. And, find happiness; in what you do and who you spend your time with. Working hard and being kind to others will serve you well.” 

From elementary to high school in 4 different districts, Mrs. Carey has done it all. Marlboro is lucky to have such a dedicated and kind teacher. 


         Margo Greenbaum