Thursday, April 5, 2018

Teacher of the Year: Mr Nash

Proud to announce that the Teacher of the Year for the 2017-2018 school year is Mr Brian Nash. Mr Nash has been teaching for 19 years and teaches in the Social Studies department at Marlboro High School. Mr Nash currently teaches AP U.S. History and Academic U.S. History. What inspired Mr Nash to become a teacher was being very fortunate to have many good teachers and coaches in his educational career who had a significant impact on his life. Mr Nash says his students have kept him young. His students' stories have brought much laughter and many smiles. They keep him informed about youth culture, technology, and music. Their multi-cultural backgrounds have added different points of view and perspectives on global issues. And, despite his grey hairs, have helped keep him young at heart. What Mr Nash hopes his students have learned/will learn from him are of course, history and skills that help them in college and later in life, but also that they learn they are more than just a number such as a GPA or SAT score, and have unique skills, passions, and personalities that make them special!

From personal experience in Mr Nash's class, I loved his class! When I first walked into his class junior year I thought I was not going to get much out of his class. In fact, I learned a lot of information from his class that could help me in the future and a lot of great advice that will help me in college and later in life! Mr Nash is not just a great teacher.. He also coaches girls basketball and boys soccer and has coached other sports in his previous years teaching at Marlboro High School!

To a great teacher, coach, friend of many, etc. congratulations on getting Teacher of the Year for the 2017-2018 school year Mr Nash!! This was very well deserved! 

Written by: James Cernivani(Grade 12)