Sunday, December 31, 2017

It’s our time

As I searched my room for thank you cards I stumbled upon a card that was sent to me in August. The person wrote, “welcome you back... for your SENIOR YEAR! Can you believe it? Seems like just yesterday you were just starting?” When I read the card in August, I could not believe how fast the 3 years went. I now read that sentence again and can not believe how fast the 4 months went since I received that letter. Where did the time go? How is half of my SENIOR YEAR over? I still talk about freshman year as if it was last year... 
It gives me such joy that the good times I’ve had in these past 4 months out weigh the bad ones. But, the lessons I’ve gained from those bad times will stay with me forever. I think back to freshman orientation and being so excited to finally be what I waited 3 years for, a peer leader. I think back to the first day of school and remember how cool it felt to be able to get coffee and then DRIVE to school. I think back to BOTC and being so excited to hear that the class of 2018 won.  I remember the day when my first debate in we the people went horribly wrong, but learned how to work as a unit. I remember the day when I was told I needed to have the same surgery I just had in March, but used it as a reason to get healthier. I think back to all the good days to smile, I remember all the hard ones to be reminded to work on being better. Since the first day to today I ask myself “am I making the best of senior year?”...
Which is what I ask all of my fellow seniors, not just in this school, not just in this district, but all around the world. “Are you making the best of senior year?” I also ask all the teachers & leaders of this district, “Are you making the best of this school year?” With 2017 coming to a close in exactly 12 hours, I ask you to look back on these 4 months, and ask yourself, “how can I better the next 6 months?” 
It is such an exciting time for seniors. Getting into college, deciding which one is the one, and then committing. For me, it is also a very scary time. To think what I decide as an 18 year old will impact me as a 50 year old is scary. As someone who knew they wanted to be a teacher since the 6th grade, I only hope that the excitement I have for teaching now, will become a reality. That education really is my niche. To think that there is a very slim chance I could change my major is scary. But, for me what is scariest is to think that in August I will not have the people I count on, in the same building or town as me. That when I walk in a room I will have to introduce myself. That my name will not be known and I will have to create an even better reputation... So, to my fellow seniors, I ask you not to rush into any major decisions. Do not ask your friends what they think is best for you. Do not let anyone have a huge impact on where you decide to go. The ONLY person who knows where you will thrive is YOU. I ask you to live in the moment. It confuses me why people wish for the months to fly by. Though it’s such an exciting time, you’ll be leaving friends you’ve grown up with, a building where you matured in, and a family you love. I ask you to use these last 6 months to spend as much time with the people you love most. Go to as many school events as possible, you’ll miss this place more than you think. It’s OUR year, it’s OUR prom, it’s OUR graduation, and OUR first day of college. Live every day in the moment and enjoy them. I am excited to see how this class of 2018 changes the world for the good.The sky is not our limit, but our view point...
now to the adults of this district... Have you made the best of these past 4 months? Did you make one extra student smile? Did you take the time to have a conversation with a student? Did you become friendly with someone who is not in the same department as you? And most important, did “your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more?” Because John Q. Adams says that’s what a true leader does. If you have not, you still have 6 more months to do so. The year that I do as Mr.Adams said will be the year that I did the best I could do as an educator... 

On behalf James and I, we hope everyone has a healthy, happy, and rewarding 2018. We thank you for cheering us on & making us do bigger & better things as each day passes by.